Tank Tactics
Attack, Move, Upgrade, Trade
Get Code From Jay
How it works
How the Game Works
Be the Last Tank Standing!
Get Points Daily
Use points to: Attack, Move, and Upgrade!
The Tanks
All players control 3 tanks each
Upgrade your tanks to best control the battlefield
The Controls
Your dropdown menus are pre-loaded!
The Tanks in range are set for you, and will update when you move or upgrade
Moving works the same way!
Complete Redesign of the entire game!
Removed Chat
Removed sending points
Added more diverse skill tree
Changes to UI to make it more streamlined
You can now send points even when dead
Messaging System has been updated so you can message anyone on the map
Maximum range has been set to 4
Air support has been introduced!
Ghost Mode has been introduced!
Grid is wider on desktop (no longer pushed over to the side)
Red tanks are dead as before, but we have added orange tanks being hurt
Updating your tank takes 3 hours now
When you get attacked or your tank is done updating you will get a text
When you kill a tank, that player will get a retaliation point